Drachm: coin from Kingdom of Cappadocia
Borysthenes: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia
Tetrassarion: coin of Olbia (Roman province Lower Moesia)
Tetrachalkon: coin of Laodikeia (Phrygia)
Stater: coin of Bosporan Kingdom (Panticapaeum)
Pentonkion: coin of Messina (Sicily, Ancient Greece)
Tetradrachm: coin of Kushan Empire (Ancient India)
Assarion: coin of Bosporan Kingdom (Panticapaeum)
Trihemitetartemorion: coin of Ephesus (Ionia; Ancient Greece)
Hemiobol: coin of Cyzicus (Mysia, Ancient Greece)
Litra: coin of Syracuse (Sicily, Ancient Greece)
Dupondius: coin of Tyras (Roman Province)
Olbia dolphin: coin (proto-currency) of ancient Greek city
Chalkon: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia; 2 lepton
Wheel money: coin of Istros (500-400 BC)
Celtic tetradrachm: coin of celts in Central and Eastern Europe (300-50 BC)
Dichalkon: coin of ancient Greek city-state Olbia (400-90 BC)